jeff-jordan hat geschrieben: ↑Sa 30. Sep 2023, 18:18
Can you show some more details about how the brake button works and how it is installed?
Sure, here it is
- there are two tubes in package, short and longer, this is short but longer is the right one to use when brake levers have adjustment on top
Original bolt is taken off.
Then you put a brass (???) tube into the hole, it is longer than width of brake bracket (brake lever body), on this tube sits button (its mounting plate has smaller hole then tube's diameter) so thanks to that space between brake bracket and button it do not get in the way with brake lever adjustment. Because of the tube, new bolt is longer, but thinner. Nut is with rubber so it should not loosen (Loctite is a solution too).
jeff-jordan hat geschrieben: ↑Sa 30. Sep 2023, 18:18
What prevents the brake stop from beeing pushed away by the lever
Original bolt + nut squeezes brake bracket (bolt head - brake bracket - brake lever - brake bracket - nut) so it is possible a little bit eliminate wiggle of the brake lever (but it still wiggles). New levers are 11,8 mm if I remember so they fit perfectly and wiggle is much smaller (and no need to squeeze the brake bracket).
New bolt is tightened against tube and bottom side of brake bracket, not against brake bracket as before: bolt head - button mounting plate - tube that exceeds brake bracket - brake bracket - brake lever - brake bracket - nut (but force is applied from bolt head to nut squeezing button mounting plate to tube and nut to lower side of brake bracket).
After positioning button is tightened enough to do not move = resist the (small) force of brake lever. As I mentioned, thank to tube there is no sqeezing the brake bracket so it can be tightened pretty hard.
jeff-jordan hat geschrieben: ↑Sa 30. Sep 2023, 18:18
... and what prevents the button going down and blocking the lever when you just use the brake?
That pin is on the spring but in case that spring would broke and pin would be able to fall down, you have to find position of button when pin can be pushed down only when brake lever is pulled more than during riding, even when hard braking in emergency = a little bit more than when hard braking. There is very small difference in distance, 1-2 mm, not problem to find proper position.
Uff, hope you understand my explanation